Monday, February 23, 2009

Clearing some underbrush

One mistake I've noticed with the budget developer is the tendancy for webservie functions to grow like weeds. With a week left before deployment it's time to take a crack at seperating out those functions that are no longer required...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Next Up

I'm on the SharePoint Tour, friday, in Torrance. Hoping that will go well while at the same time I'm going back to the Budget Developer. So I'll be spending time in this space organizing my thoughts, with a special concentration on "What-If" additions to budgeting.

So here is a very early list of what if's
  • Income impact of program income by percentage
  • Line item, across the board or by entity tree percentage changes
  • Reducing staff work days
  • Ratio tools for employment related costs

But I do need some basis for better study...